'Sea shell,
Beach rainbow,
Keep your eyes on your beautiful dream.'

(Takahashi Shinkichi: 'Beach rainbow')


Friday, 25 April 2014

Sea Witch at Tynemouth Market, Saturday 26th April… Witchi-Tiki, Ocean Alchemy and a Herb Pillow Recipe

Sea Witch will be at Tynemouth Market again this Saturday, 26th April, 9am until 4pm, with plenty of Fair Trade and handcrafted finds including cotton batiks and new season shell and Witchi-Tiki jewellery.

We'll miss you next weekend as will be visiting London, then back at the Market for Saturday, 10th May with aromatherapy pillows in new 'Ocean Alchemy' organic cotton fabrics...

until then, here's a sleep pillow recipe adapted from William Turner's 'New Herball' (1551):

25g lavender
12g lemon verbena
12g lemon thyme
12g woodruff

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Save Your WAves - Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue Project at Longsands

Another afternoon of beach clean-up is planned for Friday, 16th May, from 2pm - 5pm at Tynemouth
Longsands, meet-up outside Crusoes Cafe…


… website of Surfers Against Sewage, North East Region,